Wednesday, 26 February 2014

BBC Six Nations advert banned for being unsupportive of the England rugby team

  • Trailer shows Welsh, Scottish and Irish fans shouting for England

  • But it becomes clear they are being asked who they most want to beat

  • BBC said the concept was about fans being united in rivalry

  • Film ends with: ‘It’s not about who you want to win, but who you want to lose’


Wills Robinson

18:32, 26 February 2014


21:14, 26 February 2014

A BBC rugby trailer which was banned for being anti-English has become an internet sensation after  being leaked online.

The advert for the Six Nations shows fans from Wales, Scotland and Ireland all appearing to shout for England.

But it then becomes clear they are being asked which team they most want to beat.

Scroll down for video

Singing: A Welsh choir shout

Singing: A Welsh choir shout ‘England’ during a rehearsal

Schoolchildren: Youngsters from Ireland also scream out for England after a game of touch rugby

Schoolchildren: Youngsters from Ireland also scream out for England after a game of touch rugby

The film ends with the words: ‘It’s not about who you want to win, but who you want to lose.’

The BBC screened the trailer to promote the Six Nations tournament in 2012 but pulled it after complaints it was anti-English.

It was re-edited to give ‘more balance’ but ended up in the BBC archives never to be shown on TV again.

The video has now re-emerged in the run up to the showdown between England and Wales at Twickenham in 10 days time.


Finale: At the end of the film, it becomes obviously why the fans are chanting for England

Finale: At the end of the film, it becomes obviously why the fans are chanting for England

Negative: The supporters were chanting about who they most wanted to be defeated

Negative: The supporters were chanting about who they most wanted to be defeated

Rugby fans are sharing it on social networks where it’s had thousands of hits.

The BBC yesterday said it was baffled how the controversial trailer had made a comeback.

A spokeswoman said: ‘This trailer was part of our promotion for the Six nations in 2012.

‘The creative concept was around fans being united in rivalry.

Disliked: England fans who were the target of the banned advert

Disliked: England fans who were the target of the banned advert

Come on: Welsh fans behind a counter at a fish and chip shop cheer for England... to lose

Come on: Welsh fans behind a counter at a fish and chip shop cheer for England… to lose

‘We featured real fans from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland in the trail all talking about who they wanted to beat.

‘The non-English fans interviewed for the trail all wanted to beat England which made the first cut of the trail slightly unbalanced.

‘We therefore changed the balance of the fans in the next edit to make the trail more representative.’

In 1999, the Stereophonics recorded the song ‘As long as we beat the English’ for a BBC Sport Wales promotion ahead of their clash with England at Wembley stadium.

Flower of Scotland: Fans north of the border also shouted

Flower of Scotland: Fans north of the border also shouted ‘England’ during the clip


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Carlisle, United Kingdom,

3 hours ago

English independence and build up barbed wire and concrete borders. England would gain immediate prosperity being out of this so-called Union.


RIP-UK, United Kingdom,

5 hours ago


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BBC Six Nations advert banned for being unsupportive of the England rugby team

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