Saturday, 21 December 2013

Former Scotland rugby international guilty of abusing young girls

His first victim, giving evidence behind a screen, told the court she was

repeatedly sexually assaulted, never gave her consent, and felt “dirty, sick

and lonely” afterwards.

She added that the attacks had taken place “too many times to count”, and

said Pender had warned her not to tell anyone, telling her that she was a

child and nobody would believe her.

She told a boyfriend about the abuse when she was in her late teens, but did

not contact the police until many years later.

Pender previously served as a Lib Dem councillor in the borders and was

chairman of the Hawick Lady Riders’ Association, which was set up to

campaign for women in the town to be allowed to participate in the annual

common riding festival.

His defence team said he had hoped to have his bail continued to be with his

sick wife, and his elderly mother, but the judge Lord Stewart rejected the


Article source:

Former Scotland rugby international guilty of abusing young girls

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