Thursday, 1 August 2013

Volunteers scrum down for World Cup

Hundreds of people have signed up to play their part in the Rugby League World Cup.

They will be the volunteer “army” to help ensure the smooth running of the tournament, which includes a game at Huddersfield’s John Smith’s Stadium.

The volunteers, drawn from across the UK, will work under the name of ‘Team 13’ and all have key roles which will enable RLWC2013 organisers to deliver the best Rugby League World Cup so far.

Some 350 of the 800 total volunteers attended a showcase launch event at Old Trafford, the iconic sporting venue where on November 30 the Rugby League World Cup Final will take place.

The volunteers come from all walks of life, from all age groups and represent almost all of the 25 host venues and training facilities across the UK.

They include London 2012 Games Makers, Rugby League fans and administrators, a contingent from Australia and at least one former Rugby League World Cup player.

Jon Dutton, RLWC2013 Operations Director, said: “Our Team 13 volunteers are an integral part of RLWC2013. They will be the first point of contact at stadiums for many of our fans and will also perform key roles at matches and behind the scenes.

“Both London 2012 and Manchester 2002 proved that volunteers can be the difference between great events and fantastic events. The enthusiasm and expertise we found during the interview process was amazing and we know that with Team 13 we have a great set of volunteers at our disposal.”

The Team 13 task force will begin their work in mid-October when the teams begin to arrive for RLWC2013 ahead of the first game in Cardiff. The opening ceremony takes place at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff on Saturday, October 26 immediately before England take on Australia and Wales play Italy.

Volunteers scrum down for World Cup

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