Saturday, 31 August 2013

England rugby stars given Bagshot base

While Twickenham may still be the home of English rugby, Surrey Heath can this week lay further claim to it being the bona fide home of the England rugby team.

On Tuesday (August 27), the Rugby Football Union (RFU) was granted planning permission to create a new training centre in Bagshot to build on its existing base in the village.

The RFU has been using the luxury five-star Pennyhill Park Hotel, off the A30, to rest and train ahead of home internationals for more than 10 years, having gained planning permission for a training area and equipment store in January 2002.

During a meeting of the borough council’s planning committee, members were unanimous in their support for the RFU’s latest application, despite some concerns over the development’s impact on the countryside.

In a report drawn up by planning officer Paul Sherman, it was acknowledged and put to councillors that the development would normally be considered ‘unacceptable’ in what is deemed a countryside location.

However, speaking at the meeting, Mr Sherman said the plans would offer significant benefits to an important local business and employer and wider benefits for the borough which would outweigh harm to the area.

Artist’s impression of what the training centre will look like


Councillor Glyn Carpenter described the application as a “coup” for Surrey Heath and reminded members of the value of having a top notch sports facility, not to mention frequently hosting the team.

Expanding its existing facilities, which already include a full-size pitch, the RFU application proposes a new two-storey training centre housing a gym, weights area and changing facilities, as well as a new artificial pitch.

Deemed by the RFU as the most preferable site for training the England team – partly due to its proximity to Twickenham – the application stresses the need for new facilities having outgrown what can be delivered within the existing hotel.

“The prestige associated with being the centre for the England team generates significant economic benefits for the hotel, which feed down to other local businesses and increases the profile of the area and the borough as a whole,” said Mr Sherman.

“This project is a unique proposal in that it provides an opportunity to deliver a world-class training centre for world-class athletes as well as supporting a valuable local business.”

The RFU will continue its association with Pennyhill Park Hotel
The RFU will continue its association with Pennyhill Park Hotel


Cllr Ian Sams asked whether the development would be visible from the A30 to which Mr Sherman confirmed the design was sympathetic to the location and would not impact on the existing facade.

Cllr Colin Dougan highlighted how the new facilities were “only to be used as a rugby training centre” – as outlined in the application – and enquired as to what would happen if the RFU were to relocate.

“Assuming this is built, would there be problems reusing the site in future?” he asked, to which Mr Sherman said any future bid would come back to the committee for consideration.

Finally, Cllr Valerie White asked how the application would benefit the borough as a whole rather than just Pennyhill Park.

“The hotel is a big business, it attracts people to Surrey Heath and by having the England rugby team here, it lends the borough a certain amount of prestige,” added Mr Sherman.

With little dissent among members, Cllr Vivienne Chapman proposed approving the plans, which were seconded by Cllr David Allen, and they were voted through unanimously.

England rugby stars given Bagshot base

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