The rugby season may be in the middle of its summer break, but try telling that to the swarm of kicking-keen youngsters who turned up at Philiphaugh for the inaugural Tag Tournament last Friday.
Organisers now hope the event will become a yearly affair, acting as a fun way of introducing primary school children in years P4-P7 to the game of rugby.
On the night, in excess of 40 children participated, with all present enjoying a fun-filled evening and all received goodies to take home as a reward for their support.
Watched by parents and friends, matches of tag rugby were followed by a barbecue run by 1st XV vice-captain Ross Nixon, now recognised as one of the club’s best burger-flippers. Also on hand was Selkirk’s new development officer, Kieran Cooney, who officially takes up his new post at Philiphaugh on Monday, July 14.
Tag rugby is a non-contact, fast-moving game that is suitable for adults or children, and for boys and girls to play together.
It is of a safe, non-contact nature, combined with the fun and liveliness of the sport.
There are no scrums or line-outs and tackling is not allowed.
The game was first pioneered back in the early 90s as a way of introducing youngsters to the sport. Since then tag rugby has had phenomenal growth in popularity and has now spread throughout the world.
Jointly organised by Cameron Cochrane, director of rugby at Selkirk RFC, and Richard Sweetnam, who is convener of Selkirk Rhinos, the local event proved to be a great success with the children being able to enjoy playing free-flowing running rugby while roared on by a large band of enthusiastic supporters, who themselves were able to bask in the glorious warm evening sunshine.
Plans are now afoot with regards to next year’s event where it’s hoped it will go from strength to strength.
Article source:
Rugby youths go on rampage in tourney
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