Thursday, 28 November 2013

How to develop power like a rugby player


Traditional weight based isolation exercises such as the bicep curl are not

necessarily useful in rugby training. Whilst they help develop muscular size

and strength, the movement patterns involved are not common to the game.

Instead, it’s beneficial to work on movements in the gym that are repeated

on the pitch.

Power training should only be performed up until the moment where you begin to

harm your technique. This is contrary to the bodybuilding style of training,

where it is advantageous to take the muscle well past failure. As soon as

you notice any decrease in your performance or fatigue in a power workout,

it is advisable to stop immediately. Pushing through the pain will leave you

far more susceptible to injury.

It should also be said that power training is not for the beginner. The

multiple joint exercises recommended require considerable muscular strength

and training experience. Adherence to the correct technique is absolutely


1.Single Arm Barbell Push Press

Muscles Worked: Quads, shoulders, core
Useful For: Pushing, fending off tackles with one hand
Suggested Use: 3 x 10 sets (on each arm)

This is a great exercise for developing pushing power through the shoulder,

using a strong base as would be required in Rugby.

All you need for this exercise is a corner of a gym or somewhere to prop the

barbell up, and a suitable weight plate. Be sure to wedge something between

the bar and the wall on this one or you may have a very displeased gym owner

on your back.

2. Box Squats

Muscles Worked: Quad, hamstrings, glutes
Useful For: Sprinting, tackling
Suggested Use: 3 x 6 reps

Box squats are extremely useful for developing explosive power through the

hip, knee, and ankle joints. This is great for rugby as you will improve

your ability to sprint, change direction, and lunge into a tackle.

I’ve kept the reps low to make sure you aim for maximum height increases

rather than long sets, where fatigue and poor performance may set in.

3. Clap (plyo) Press-up

Muscles Worked: Chest, shoulders
Useful For: Pushing, throwing
Suggested Use: 3 x 10

The plyometric press-up is develops and conditions your chest and shoulders

for explosive power movements.

As you get more and more advanced at this exercise you can add multiple claps

to the movement. But be careful: you’ll need to be quite powerful to propel

yourself up for that kind of airtime.

4. Medicine Ball Slams

Muscles Worked: Shoulders, back, hips
Useful For: Throwing
Suggested Use: 3 x 12 reps

The medicine ball slam is a simple but surprisingly taxing compound exercise.

Remember that some medicine balls bounce and others don’t. So if you’re using

one of the big heavy non bouncy ones, make sure your gym floor can take the

impact or you may create a crater in the middle of the gym.

5. Lateral Box Squats

Muscles Worked: Total lower body!
Useful For: Changing direction, tackling, evasive action
Suggested Use: 3 x 10 jumps

It’s far harder to jump laterally than it is to jump vertically, so start with

a comfortable height in comparison to your vertical jump, then gradually

work your way up to a more challenging height.

Lateral box squats can be performed jumping over a large hurdle in each

direction or by setting up multiple hurdles and jumping over them one after

the other.

Scott Laidler is a personal trainer and personal development coach based in

London. Contact Scott at

for personal training and online fitness coaching.

How to develop power like a rugby player

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